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Lumetti VTC is a vocational institute recognized by VETA, the Tanzanian national body for vocational education, site  in Nyakipambo, Tanzania. The Institute provides training courses lasting 3 years as per Tanzanese legislation.

Currently about 40 students are involved in the courses of  formation. Both the off-site and those from Nyakipambo, all reside  in the school dormitories. In addition to participating in professional training courses, students keep the dormitories tidy and cook  their own meals. 

There are three Professional Laboratories currently active: Tailoring Laboratory, Carpentry Laboratory, Masonry Laboratory.

Tailoring workshop

Gifted  of sewing machines, girls learn to cut and sew under the teachings  of already trained seamstresses. This laboratory already has an intense activity thanks also to the commitment of Elisa Di Fiore, a volunteer from Salerno, who conceived and created  the Parachichi Project , consisting in the production and consequently sale of textile articles, equipped  even a trademark. 

Carpentry workshop

The boys  they learn to saw wood and work it for the construction of furnishings, furniture or even carpentry for the construction of buildings.

Construction laboratory
the training goes from the design phase, with the technical drawing, to the theoretical phase - including construction science lessons - and then construction practice.

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