Who we are
We are a group of Italians who believe in personal initiative and help between peoples who, after a trip to Tanzania, in the small village of Mdabulo in the Iringa region, felt the profound need to make their own personal contribution to the development of a population and a territory with serious difficulties.
To understand the local situation and how big the gap is compared to our nation, just think that the average life expectancy in Tanzania is 52 years, at 170th place in a ranking that includes 195 countries in the world and in which Italy is at the fourth with an average life of 82 years.
So in December 2011 we set up a non-profit organization that bears the name of one of the village girls, Julie, who at that time was suffering from an eye disease which was then resolved.
The purpose of the association is to guarantee education to children from elementary to high school so that they can autonomously contribute to the development and emancipation of their country.
We are also engaged in projects aimed at implementing local health care.